PRICE INCREASE ALERT!!! Effective 1st October 2023, our pricing is changing to reflect economic realities while preserving excellence


  • For Judiciary

Prime Judiciary

Prime Judiciary is a tool designed for today’s judge to preserve their legacy and enhance smart justice delivery.


The Prime Judiciary Advantage

Enjoy all the features of Prime

See all the Prime advantage above


Legal Analytics

Avoid re-inventing the wheel with the new A.I Document Review tool in Prime Judiciary, view of coas unsel submission and your previous judgment in one place and review a Counsel’s Written Addresses in seconds.


Personalised Law Reporting with A.I Profiling

Upload your judgments directly on Prime Judiciary and enjoy the unlimited power of Artificial Intelligence in justice delivery


We recommend Prime if you:

  • Are a member of the bench
  • Want to preserve your legacy on the bench
  • Want quality and efficient legal research tool


Appellate Feedback System for Judges (AFSJ)

Enjoy High Court’s Commercial judgments, Laws of the Federation, Precedent forms and agreements Template, Regulations of the differnt MDAs, Civil Procedure Rules of courts, Arbitration rules and more on Primsol.



Justice can’t wait, so why should your Case filing? With E-Registry,  an automated end-to-end virtual court filing system stakeholders can play their roles in the filing process virtually. From filing, to assessment, e-payment, up to when a file is submitted to the court, E-Registry has you covered; affording you the luxury to act from  anywhere, without the need to travel distances.

The E-Registry Advantage

A Virtual Court Administration System

From the Chief Judge to the last Registrar, E-registry covers the entire Court Administration System as it relates to process filing in Nigeria. 

Secure E-payment for Filing Process

Not only has this been integrated into the application, but you can also make payments with the E-payment platforms of your choice when you come on-board. Plus, you get automated receipts generated upon every payment.

E-Service and E-Proof of Service

Opt for either manual or electronic service and enjoy seamless integrated service.Even with an e-Service, you are assured to get an automated proof of service.

Case Assignment and Allocation of Courts to matters

Suit numbers are easily assigned to new cases and before they are allocated to court, ensuring that new cases don’t get mixed up with old ones and  what’s more? You need not wait for weeks unend before your case is assigned to court.

Compliance and Document Standardization

E-registry ensures that all processes for filing are assessed in alignment with a predefined quality standard thus eliminating the occurrences of defective processes or payment discrepancies.

E-registry is for you if you:.

  • Want to be able to file your matters from anywhere
  • Want to accelerate access to Justice in your State


LawPavilion Court Manager is Africa’s first virtual end-to-end court management system solely created for the Judiciary. No matter how cliché it sounds, justice delayed is justice denied. Think about how a Judge can listen to hearings even while he is in a meeting/ out of town, Court Manager is the secret.

Court Manager makes the virtual management of all aspects of the court system easy. 

The Court Manager Advantage

Scheduling and docket management

Have an overview of the court's diary at a glance and properly manage your docket by ensuring cases in your court are evenly distributed and you are not overwhelmed.

NJC Quarterly Report Management

Now your quarterly reports just got easier! As a judge, you no longer have to break a sweat to collate and submit your quarterly reports to the National Judicial Council (NJC) as you can now collate all the necessary reports automatically on your system.

Matter management

At the click of a button, the Matter Management feature gives you access to all the details and history of any selected matter; giving you a holistic overview of the matter.

Remote hearing

Securedly integrated with Zoom, CaseManager allows users to seamlessly create links to virtual courtrooms and the link is automatically sent to the parties involved. This allows judges, court clerks and legal practitioners to work remotely, from anywhere.

Document management

Our integrated A.l powered Document Review feature categorizesl documents relating to a matter, into folders. It also helps judges to analyze filed documents against the backdrop of decades of judicial precedence within seconds. 

Court Manager is for you if you are a:

  • Judge or a Registrar or a court staff or a Magistrate
  • Conduct court processes from anywhere with access to the internet.